Sarah Wilson

From the second millennium BC, oracles were known to provide wise and insightful counsel, prophetic predictions, or precognition of the future.  This wisdom was said to be inspired by the gods, as a form of divination. Various writers and philosophers refer to the word "intuition" with a variety of connotations, which range from direct access to unconscious knowledge, unconscious cognition, inner insight or senses, to the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Regardless of how this inborn ability is defined, the inner knowing that the oracle or intuitive carries is invaluable in seeing the truth of a subject, situation, or place. 

I am one of those who has been carrying this innate gift from birth.

I am gifted with all the "clairs"... clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance.

I am also a medical intuitive, energy healer, and animal body worker.

From a young age I had a great interest in nature and other cultures. I have had the privilege of working with animals all my life, starting with horses and dogs, which has been essential in showing me my own gifts.

I have spent a good part of my adult life abroad in various countries of Africa, where I had the honor of working and living amidst different cultures, and with some nearly untouched indigenous peoples. While abroad, I also gained important experience working with international companies, and engaging with government and diplomatic leaders.

I have worked and trained with three separate Shamans, and am also Certified in animal acupressure, craniosacral, and massage. I practice throughout the USA and internationally.

When I’m not working with people and animals, you can find me running with my dog, riding horses, hiking in the woods, or resting in my historic home in Maryland.