Energy Healing

It is my gift and passion to help you identify and clear blockages and restrictions that prevent you from living a vibrantly whole and healthy life.

I won't just reveal the issues and leave you to cope with them. Instead, I will work with you at a soul level to:

  • Locate physical and emotional issues
  • Remove blockages, clear resistance and unneeded patterns
  • Transform hindering beliefs
  • Rebalance the body, mind, and soul

Throughout my life I have discovered that I have a keen ability to connect to the body and soul at a deep level to detect core physical and emotional imbalances that are the underlying cause of the individual’s issues. I use an integrated approach to promote the body’s inherent capacity to heal itself, aiming to repair the body’s natural systems and restore homeostasis.

I tune into your soul and see what needs clearing, transformation or balancing.  When I work with you, I get the information in different ways. Sometimes I get it through a body scan, while other times I am shown the triggering incident from childhood or earlier in life. I am given some solutions and actions that you can take on the physical level, as well as the energetic level. I aim to address the root cause (triggering issue) instead of simply treating the symptoms.

Most people note a change immediately or within up to 72 hours. Sometimes this work can be challenging, as it may bring up emotional or other traumas that one has had in their life and are being called to deal with at this time. As with all energetic work, there are no guarantees, and one must be open to accepting the information and working through it as it shows up in order to truly heal.

It is difficult to predict in advance how many sessions it will take to address an issue. However, I can get a better feel for the timing by the end of the first appointment. 

I am here to guide and support you through this process. 

Medical Intuitive & Energy Healing

Disclaimer: A Medical Intuitive or Energy Healing session is not a substitute for a physician assessment or treatment. I am not a medical doctor or therapist. All information is given as suggestions only. Please see your doctor or other medical professional for any concerns you may have.